

I do not set a fee.  

I feel spiritually led to gift my services and have faith that people are going to be fair with me.

I let you decide what you can afford, what my services are worth to you, and in what form you reciprocate, should you choose to. 

While I absolutely do need money, to survive, you could, if you feel you'd like to, combine a few dollars with something else that I need.

If you absolutely have nothing at all to offer, I will still treat you. 

Below is a list of items, and services, I am in need of, as of June 10th 2023. 


HOUSEHOLD ITEMS and FURNITURE (used is great, as long as it is in decent condition) - baking pans, cookie sheets, mixer, toaster oven, can opener, wooden spoons, dish rack, potato peeler, strainers,  a colander, kitchen scissors, a salad spinner, bath towels (purple or olive green), coat rack, fans, desk/worktable lamps, plant shelves, bookshelves, plant stands, house plants, herb plants, outdoor flowers, wall decor, twin size platform bed or captain's bed, a dresser, small two-topper table, a three step ladder, printer (color with Wi-Fi capabilities), curtain rods

TOOLS power drill, jigsaw, saw horses, hammers, pipe wrench, ladder 8ft,

GARDENING TOOLS, POTS, PLANT STANDS AND SOIL - weed eater, small digging and planting tools, seed starting soil, potting soil, soil and supplies specifically for cactuses / succulents, macrame plant hangers

PLANTS/SEEDS - flowers, herbs, succulents, air plants, cactuses, veggies 

SERVICES - lawn mowing or lawn mower repair, automotive, help lifting and moving things, I might let you do my dishes, lol, help building things or repairing things. 

ART SUPPLIES - high quality paint, art papers, jewelry making supplies, clay, craft wire, polished stones

CANNING JARS AND LIDS - all shapes and sizes

ESSENTIAL OILS - high quality, 100% pure, preferably from reputable brands such as Young Living or doTERRA. 


FRUITS, HERBS, EDIBLE FLOWERS, AND VEGGIES - Home grown, home canned, home made, free of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. It doesn't have to be certified organic. It is important, for my health, that it be grown clean and natural.

HONEY - Pure, raw, and unfiltered. Local is preferable but not necessary

COCONUT OIL - Organic and cold-pressed

MEAT - local, pasture raised, free range, grass-fed, hunted or caught, beef, poultry, fish, or game

EGGS - from local, free range poultry

COOKING OILS - avocado or olive

SEEDS - organic, non GMO, for eating and for planting. chia, flax, raw shelled hemp, raw pepitas, any and all kinds of sprouting seeds, like radish, broccoli, sunflower, mung bean, lentils, chickpeas, green peas, kale, alfalfa etc. 

GAS CARDS/GIFT CARDS - of course gas is something I will always need and gift cards for stores or restaurants are useful too. 


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