Services and FAQ


Shamanic Reiki Services

*1 and 2 Hour, In-Person, Sessions
*Distance Treatments
*Treatment Sessions for Animals
*Sessions for Homes, Land and Buildings

Sessions, In-Person

You come to me, either to my home office, or another location, at which I am offering sessions.

In certain circumstances, I can be persuaded, to make a house call. In most cases, where a house call is requested, I will likely suggest a distance session.  There is no spacial limitation, when it comes to Energy Work. It can be just as effective, at a distance.

What to Expect, at an In-Person Session

I will invite you into my healing room, where you will see a wide, comfortable massage table. 
There will be pleasant aromas, light music playing, and the room will be dimly lit. 
You will remain clothed. 
The only thing I ask you to remove, is your shoes, jewelry, watch and glasses. 
I suggest you come wearing loose, comfortable clothing. 
You will lay down on the table. 
I can work on both front and back, so you may choose which you are most comfortable with.  
Once you are settled comfortably, with pillows and blanket, I will guide you in a breathing exercise and short, prayerful meditation that will guide you to a calm and receptive state. 
I will clear the energy field around your body and then join you in that meditative state.
When I feel the energy is conducive, I will, very lightly, lay hands on you. 
If you are not comfortable, with physical touch, I can just as effectively do the treatment with my hands hovering a few inches over the body. 
I will move my hands occasionally, as I feel intuitively guided. 
Most of the treatment will be done in silence, unless an emotional issue arises that you need to speak about, or I am given an insight, or intuitive message that concerns your healing process.
I prefer that we leave most of the talking to the end of the session, so as not to interrupt the energy flow. However, if a flash of insight hits you, or something triggers a strong emotion in you, and you feel the need to mark that point, for later discussion, please do. 
It is not unusual for strong emotion to arise during a session. I have had people laugh hysterically or sob with sorrow and grief. Energy work will dislodge things that are stuck or buried. 
Some people become so relaxed that they fall asleep.

How long does a session last? 

The Energy Work, part of the session, can run anywhere from a half-hour, to an hour. 
If you wish to have discussion about your session, when it's finished, then schedule, at least 2 hours, for both parts.
If you prefer to just lay on the table and experience a pure Reiki session, with no Shamanic work, that is perfectly fine as well. You shouldn't need to schedule, more than 1 hour. 

What to expect after a session

After a session, you will want to drink a lot of water. The Energy Work is going to loosen up toxins that need to be flushed out of the body. 

I will have other recommendations too,  based on what arises from your session. 

Some people are so relaxed they just want to go home and take a nap, or go to bed early. Others are energized, and super focused. The only way to know for sure, how your body will respond, is to try it.

Sessions at a Distance

In today's world, with all the wonderful virtual technology,  a distance session can be done on video. It can just as effectively be done by telephone, or with no technological assistance, at all. We can simply set aside a time, where we are both focused on the treatment session, and then we can touch base before and after, by phone, text, or email. 
Just as with the in-person session, you will lie down in a comfortable position. I will lead you in some breathwork, to get you into a receptive state, and then I will connect with you energetically and run through the hand positions, in my imagination.

Sessions for Animals

In the sessions that I do with animals, I let them guide the session. 
I will start with sitting down in an enclosed area with them but allowing them to freely roam within that area. 
I find that once I have achieved a calm and meditative state, they will usually gravitate toward me, or just lay down and go to sleep. At that point, I will send the healing energy to them, from where I sit. I will not force them to allow hands-on.
If you can bring the animal to me, that would be preferable. If it is a farm animal, I will do, an initial, in-person, on-site session to familiarize myself with the animal and their energy. Any subsequent sessions can be done at a distance, with only occasional  house call visits. The initial, in-person session, isn't a total necessity. All sessions can be done at a distance. I just really love animals, so I want to meet them, in person, whenever possible.

Sessions for Land, Home or Office

These sessions, I generally do, in conjunction with my physical cleaning services. Energy Work is an interwoven part of all of my cleaning services.
I charge $24 an hour, for my cleaning services. The Energy Work part is a bonus, for which I happily accept donations, but do it, regardless. Most of my clients don't even know that I'm doing it. They do tell me how nice the house feels though. They don't comment on how it smells, or how it looks, near as much as they comment on how it feels. 
I can also do a Blessing Ceremony that doesn't involve any physical cleaning, but focuses on shifting and clearing the energetics of a location, using Shamanic tools and practices such as smoke, feathers, oils, rattles, and chimes. Shamanic tools and practices are not included in my regular cleaning services but Reiki always is. 
The reason that I include it with physical cleaning is because a lot of the reason the energy gets stuck, and out of balance is because of clutter, disorganization, and built up dust and dirt. It doesn't make any sense to the Energy Worker, in me, to clear the dust and dirt, without cleaning the energy as well and visa versa. 
A Land Blessing may be called for, to erase historical imprints, of traumatic experiences and / or negativity. There also may be a toxicity issue that needs identifying and addressing. 


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