A Letter to Christians

I want to speak directly to Christians for a moment. 

Many Christians have expressed concern about Reiki/Shamanic Healing/Energy Work, in relation to their Christian spirituality. They are hesitant to lay on my healing table because they're unsure of my intentions and my process. Let me tell you a little about my background and see if I can ease your discomfort. 

I was raised in Christianity and although I no longer call myself a Christian, I have a very deep and strong love, for Christ, and it was He, who called me to this work.

To lay on my table, is to allow me to lay healing hands on you, and pray over you, with Jesus as my healing partner, and God is my guide.

Although I no longer consider myself a Christian, my personal relationship with, and faith in, Yeshua, have grown and deepened because of my Energy Work practice.

I have come to feel, strongly, that Jesus was one of the most incredible Shaman of all time! 

If you look at his life, and legacy, you will see that he adhered to shamanic principles, which are connection with nature, healing of self and of community, spiritual practice and pilgrimage.

In my studies of the life of Jesus, I discovered that the lost 13 years of his life were spent in the East, with the Essenes. This tribe of people were mystics and shamanic healers. 

Shamanism is the oldest spiritual and healing practice, on this planet, and predates Christianity, by hundreds of years.

Reiki has its origins in Japan, and I believe that the hands on healing work that Christ did, when he reemerged after his lost years, was largely due to his training with the Essenes. The miracles that he performed have the true mark of a master energy worker.

Don't forget that Christ Jesus told us, as recorded in John 14:12, of the Bible, that even we, will do greater things than He. He never claimed to be the only one that could work a miracle. On the contrary he told us that, through faith, through minuscule faith, as small as a mustard seed, we have the power to move mountains. ( Matthew 17: 20 - 21)

I access that level of faith, in the work that I do, and I trust Yeshua, at His Word, that by being an open conduit, for his healing grace, love and blessings, I can work, with Him, to continue His healing work, in our world. 

This is, my deepest desire and my most heartfelt intention.

I Love You ALL and would relish the opportunity to lay healing hands upon you, and pray Christ's blessings and healing love, all over you. 


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